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Calling All Mother’s Day Specials

Written By Scott Joseph On April 27, 2020

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What are Your Plans for Mother’s Day Dining?
 Mona Mask
It’s becoming increasingly clear that things will not be back to normal by May 10, Mother’s Day 2020. 
Do you have a contingency plan for the busiest dining day of the year?
Let us know what you’re offering so we can include you in our list of Mother’s Day dining options.
Please be very detailed with your details: 
  • Menu
  • Ordering information (is advance order required?)
  • Website link and phone number
  • Hours of operation on Mother’s Day (or whether orders must be picked up prior to that Sunday)
  • Include an image of your menu (jpegs preferred)

You may respond to this email or send the info to this address.



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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide | P.O. Box 568344 | Orlando | FL | 32856


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