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Call for Holiday Dining Listings

Written By Scott Joseph On December 8, 2020

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Are you serving Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or New Year’s Eve?
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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide will once again offer lists of restaurants offering holiday dining opportunities. We will have lists for restaurants open on Christmas Eve (special menus only), Christmas Day (any restaurant open regardless of menu) and New Year’s Eve (special menus only).


To be included in the list, reply to this mailing with the following information: Name of restaurant, physical address, website address, phone, hours of operation on the particular day, and information about the type of service you’ll be offering (e.g. special menu, preordered takeout, family-style service) and how to reserve or order.

Note that the SJO staff will copy and paste anything you send us, so write it out the way you’d like it to appear in the listing. (We will hotlink your web address if it is provided.)

Please send all information in text format.

Here’s an example of a good listing:

Scott’s Restaurant
1484 W. Churchyard Road

Scott’s Restaurant will be open on Christmas Day from noon to 8 p.m. offering a special three-course holiday menu for $59 per person, plus tax and gratuity. Check our website to see the full menu. Reservations are recommended and can be made online or by calling the restaurant. If requesting takeout, orders must be received by Dec. 23.

Here is a sample of our Christmas Day menu:

First Course
Scott’s Fried Cheeseball
Reindeer Charcuterie

Second Course
Roast Goose
Reindeer Steak

Third Course
Christmas Pudding
Reindeer Cookies



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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide | P.O. Box 568344 | Orlando | FL | 32856


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