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Add appliance shopping to your holiday weekend activities with rebates exclusive to Southeast Steel

Written By Scott Joseph On June 27, 2023


Southeast July 4 23

If your holiday weekend plans involve shopping for new appliances, you’re going to want to stop by Southeast Steel Warehouse in downtown Orlando. It’s time for their Red, Hot and Rebate Days, with up to $600 in rebates exclusive to Southeast Steel. 

SES has move than $3.5 million of inventory on hand with such brand names as BOSCH, LG, KitchenAid Café, Beko, Samsung, Profile and more. That’s in stock, so you can take it home right away or schedule a delivery.

And as you know, at Southeast you get to talk directly to people who actually know something about the appliances in the warehouse, not like in the big box stores where a clerk named Todd who usually works in lumber and was passing by the appliances on his way to the break room when you stopped him but he’ll try to answer your question anyway. And he’s not getting you a rebate, either. (Not to take anything away from Todd; the man really knows his lumber.)

Check out some of the deals on the Southeast Steel website and then visit the store with your questions.

But please don’t ask them about wood.

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