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Selam Ethiopian & Eritrean Cuisine Voted Best New Restaurant of 2018

Written By Scott Joseph On January 3, 2019

Selam platter

Selam Ethiopian & Eritrean Cuisine has been voted the Best New Restaurant of 2018. Wine Bar George takes second place and Winter Park’s The Glass Knife is third.

Many of the people who voted for Selam took the time to leave lengthy comments supporting their choice. “We’ve traveled and visited many restaurants across the state,” wrote RealVision Enterprises. “However this one deserves our review after a great experience with excellent food, excellent drink, fantastic staff/customer service and an excellent manager running the show. Definitely worth many more visits in the future.”

“To me Selam Ethiopian/ Eritrean restaurant is the best because the food is gluten free and includes vegan and vegetarian dishes and they also have delicious meat varieties, the customer service is wonderful, family friendly environment with a great coffee ceremony,” wrote Ferewion Yibkaw.

Wine Bar George, of course, is the Disney Springs restaurant owned by master sommelier George Miliotes. And although the Glass Knife’s forte is with cakes and other baked goods, its savory menu also has a lot of fans.

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