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What Should Be the Official Cocktail of Central Florida?

Written By Scott Joseph On February 14, 2013

CocktailWhen I published an article about beverage trends for 2013, the results of a survey by the National Restaurant Association and the United States Bartenders’ Guild, I noted that number 8 on the list was “Regional Signature Cocktails” and that Central Florida didn’t have one.

Time to change that.

I’m announcing the SJO search for the cocktail that will represent the area and be the go-to drink people order when they belly up at bars throughout the region.

So I’m calling all local bartenders, mixologists and lounge lizards alike to nominate a drink to be considered for the title of Official Cocktail of Orlando and Central Florida. To nominate yourself or a favorite bartender or drink, just leave a comment below. Each entry will be considered by me and a panel of judges. The finalists will be invited to mix their cocktails for the judges at a drink off to be announced later.

This is a serious call. I’m sure we’ll get some frivolous tongue-in-cheek entries, but I also know there are a lot of great bartenders out there who take their profession very seriously.

What will the regional cocktail have in it? It might have local produce or locally-produced spirits (other entries on the top 10 list of beverage trends). But it might not. Think about the Manhattan — it has no ingredients indigenous to the city, it simply captures the borough’s essence. Same thing with the Cosmopolitan.

So the field is wide open. Tell us your nomination — it needs to have a name — what’s in it, where it can be tasted, and the reason you think it best represents Orlando and Central Florida.

Please submit your entry before 5 p.m. March 6.

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