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Terrace 390 to Reopen as…Terrace 390

Written By Scott Joseph On August 19, 2013

If you’ll go to the website for Terrace 390, the bar and bistro in the former Harvey’s Bistro space in downtown Orlando, you’ll see a one-page announcement saying the restaurant has closed and will reopen with a new name. Now it can be revealed. The new name will be — ta-ta-da-dah! — Terrace 390. Or Terrace 390 Rustic Bistro instead of Bar & Bistro. Whatever. The site also says it will reopen late July 2013, so whenever, too.

Terrace 390 opened in early 2011, the project of three recent UCF grads. I really wanted it to succeed, but the fellows running it clearly didn’t know what they were doing, and evidently weren’t interested in seeking guidance from professionals. When I reviewed the restaurant, in May of 2011, I found the menu uninspired and its execution unskilled. The big gimmick was the use of iPads. The waiters used them to give a travelogue of the menu, a boring slideshow of the uninspired menu — “Yep, that looks like every other fried calamari dish that every other restaurant in town is serving.”

Have they learned anything? Will Terrace 390 2.0 be better? I’m hoping. They’re now looking at “about a month” for the reopening, but don’t start lining up just yet.

More later.

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