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Anthony’s Pizza is Moving, But Not Too Far

Written By Scott Joseph On April 29, 2012

For longer than anyone might have expected (OK, longer than I expected), Anthony’s Pizza has occupied the northwest corner of the impossibly busy intersection of Colonial Drive/U.S. Highway 50 and Mills Avenue, the veritable heart of Mills 50, for a really long time. It may be one of the oldest food service entities in town where no one goes to dine. As near as I can tell, the little building on the corner (surely it was a gas station when it was first built) is used only as a pick-up place for the pizzeria’s delivery drivers. And before Anthony’s took it over, Steak Out, the meat to your door business, used it for the same purpose. (Does anyone remember Steak Out? I think it was ahead of its time.)

As soon as the final inspections have been passed, Anthony’s plans to vacate the corner spot and move catty-corner and in one to a new location that will presumable also offer some dine in space. And it should also offer some relief to the delivery drivers who won’t have to dodge the heavy traffic entering and leaving the current location. At least the new building will allow drivers to enter a parking lot from Hillcrest Street, just south of Colonial Drive. And a sizeable structure should allow folks who want to dine in to do so. But does anyone want to? Has anyone had Anthony’s Pizza lately? How are they doing? I think I’ll wait until the move and then stop in for an update.


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