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Lago is Closed; Other Baldwin Park Businesses May Also Be Shuttered

Written By Scott Joseph On April 22, 2012

Lago, the Baldwin Park Italian restaurant that opened just over three years ago, has closed. Sources say that several other Baldwin Park merchants, including Paddy Murphy’s Irish Pub, are also closing. Messages left on Paddy Murphy’s phone line were not immediately returned. In total, as many as six businesses may be shuttered.

Lago occupies 7200 square feet of space that overlooks the lakefront. However, the restaurant sits back from the thoroughfare, an out-of-sight spot that may have contributed to a lack of sufficient business.

Gianni Acireale, whose father, Giovanni, owns Lago, said that they were unable to negotiate a new lease with the landlord. To complicate matters, the owner of the buildings is in receivership. Acireale said the restaurant is paying over $24 per square foot for rent. “We’re not blaming anyone for this,” he said, adding, “but for us to continue paying the rent we’re paying is just stupid.”

He said that the merchants in the pop-up downtown that surrounds the area at the end of New Broad Street had recently formed a merchants association with plans to attract new business.

Both Acireales told me they plan to relocate the restaurant, possibly in Winter Park, although they are also considering Windermere and Winter Garden. When asked if they would consider another spot in Baldwin Park, the elder Acireale said, without hesitation, no.

I’ll have more on the other businesses as the information comes in.


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